Projects » Southlands

Southlands access restricted after dumping

Action taken: the entrance gates to Southlands, on South Shore, have been locked to prevent illegal dumping. However, members of the public are welcome to use the park during daylight hours, but must enter on foot. Read more here:

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Southlands “Spruce Up”

The following advert appeared in the RG and Bda Sun on Wednesday 13 Nov 2013. It lists the companies, organisations, entertainers and special individuals who were core volunteers in the Southlands Park spruce-up held the week of 21 – 26 […]

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Southlands Spruce-Up & Open House

Help Needed BEST, Bermuda Conservation Services & Parks Dept are planning a joint effort to “Spruce-Up” Southlands during the week of 21st – 26th October, so that the public can view its potential as a park.  BEST is seeking volunteers […]

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Breaking News – Southlands

Breaking news! Southlands has been preserved.  More information will follow shortly.

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Southlands Video!

Couldn’t make the open event to view Southlands? Check out BEST’s video footage of the event: Don’t forget to sign the petition!

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What a success!

On Sunday, March 21st, Southlands was open to the public to explore and experience the beautiful property. With over 1,500 people arriving throughout the day, the event was a real success. We would like to thank everyone who came to […]

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Explore and Experience Southlands!

Sunday, March 21 (2pm – 5pm) Free Parking, Free Admission, Free tours, Free beverages! BEST invites all of Bermuda to explore and experience Southlands this Sunday, March 21st from 2pm until 5pm. Wander through the property at your leisure and […]

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Sign the Petition to Save Southlands Again!

Use your voice to tell the government what you want! Sign BEST’s petition to Save Southlands – Again! Insist upon the completion of the promised Southlands-Morgan’s Point land swap by following this link, and signing the petition: More Articles… […]

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Southlands Update

Click ‘Read More’ for a list of Bermuda’s MPs. Send your MP a message telling them to complete the Southlands-Morgan’s Point land swap deal! Read more: Write to your MP!

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