Projects » The BUZZ / Keep Bermuda Buzzing

Better Safe than Sorry!

AN Precautionary Approach to the Use of Pesticides in Bermuda ‘Better Safe Than Sorry!’ – The BUZZ – Aug 2019

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Video: Minister Walter Roban On Bees

Minister Roban said, “As many of you will know, for a while now I have had an interest in beekeeping and the important role bees have in our environment. So, it should come as no surprise that the current work […]

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Flower Fragrances That Attract Bees and Butterflies to Your Garden

The plant reproduction process requires pollination to ensure that plants produce fertile seeds and then fruit. Flowering plants require assistance from bees and butterflies for pollination. Many plants are ideal for attracting pollinators due to their scents and colors. To […]

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Better safe than sorry on issue of pesticides

“The European Chemicals agency estimates there are more than 144,000 man-made chemicals in existence. The US Department of Health estimates 2,000 new chemicals are being released every year. The UN Environment Programme warns most of these have never been screened […]

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Island may have turned corner on bee numbers

Bermuda’s bee population is on the increase, a bee expert said yesterday. Jonathan Hitchcock, a cofounder of Wild Island Apiaries, said work to protect the island’s bees, including the importation of disease-resistant queens, appeared to have paid off. Mr Hitchcock […]

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BUZZ presentation to The Garden Club

PESTICIDES -The BUZZ was invited by The Garden Club of Bermuda to give an overview – origin, uses, issues – on the herbicide Glyphosate (used in RoundUp and other products) this morning, to an interested and appreciative audience. Thanks for […]

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The BUZZ – Letter to the Minister

  17th February, 2017 The Hon. N.H. Cole Simons, JP MP Minister for the Environment, Planning and Parks Botanical Gardens, Paget Sent by email: [email protected] Cc to [email protected] Dear Minister Simons The BUZZ group formed in 2013 and started work, […]

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Sweet Suites – San Francisco Hotels Make Room For The Bees…

Watch the video from Fusion on Facebook:

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Art: Sculpture Controlled by Bees

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