Projects » Review of Planning Applications

Shark Hole cliff house excavation stopped

A “stop work” order has been placed on a controversial project to clear an area of Harrington Sound Road that was once protected as coastal reserve. A spokesman for the Ministry of Home Affairs confirmed that the “stop work” order […]

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Travesty of land use in Bermuda

With the new cliffside construction on Harrington Sound Road, we continue to witness the destruction of our precious shorelines and valuable undeveloped green spaces. Parliament passed the Tucker’s Point Resort Residential Special Development Order in 2011. The SDO allowed for […]

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Charity warns of ‘piecemeal destruction of protected open spaces’

Another charity has joined in objections to a development on land previously zoned as coastal reserve. Janice Hetzel, president of the Bermuda Audubon Society, said in an opinion piece that further construction on formerly protected open spaces would come unless there was public outcry. […]

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Huge public outcry needed to halt ‘desecration’ of island’s green spaces, says BNT

The “desecration” of Bermuda’s environment will continue unless there is a huge public outcry to stop development of green spaces, according to the Bermuda National Trust. The comments came after work started to clear a site on Harrington Sound Road […]

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SDO changes given green light despite objections

Controversial changes to Special Development Orders were approved in the House of Assembly yesterday despite objections by the Opposition. Walter Roban, the home affairs minister, said SDOs would undergo “far more transparency, scrutiny and testing” under global best practice rules […]

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SDO changes ‘prioritise short-term interests of private companies over environment’

The Bermuda National Trust has accused the Government of prioritising the short-term interests of private companies over the environment. Walter Roban, the Minister of Home Affairs, said recently that tabled amendments to the Development and Planning Act would streamline the process for […]

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BEST Opposes Amendments To Planning Act

“BEST urges the public to take a stand and make their voices heard regarding these Amendments to the Planning Act,” the Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce said. A spokesperson said, “Bermuda Environmental Taskforce, [BEST], is extremely concerned about the Amendments to the Planning […]

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Withdraw special development order changes, says BEST

Changes to the way Special Development Orders are granted could pave the way for a mass sell-off of land for real estate development at the Fairmont Southampton, an environmental group fears. Yesterday the Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce (BEST) called on […]

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New law would remove legislators’ right to reject SDOs

Special development orders, legislated for parliamentary scrutiny ten years ago, are no longer to go before the House of Assembly under legislation tabled on Friday. But Walter Roban, the home affairs minister, told The Royal Gazette there were “no projects and no […]

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