Projects » Marine Conservation

BIOS warns climate change means increased hurricane risk and reef damage

The seas around Bermuda have already started to suffer from damage caused by climate change, an island researcher has warned. Nick Bates, a senior scientist and director of research at the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Science, said Bermuda’s waters had […]

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Seagrass beds have ‘completely collapsed’ in last four years

Many acres of seagrass beds crucial for the survival of sea turtles and other marine life have “completely collapsed” over the last four years, according to a leading environmental group. The Bermuda Turtle Project says “immediate changes” are needed to […]

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Appeal to end shark fishing

A call for vulnerable sharks to be spared from fishing came from an environmentalist after pictures circulated via social media showed two dead tiger sharks aboard an unidentified boat. Tiger sharks are not only under threat, but crucial to the […]

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Environmental groups object to John Smith’s Bay concrete plan

Environmental groups have balked at a plan to fill in a cave at John Smith’s Bay as part of a coastal protection effort. But Government has defended the project, arguing that it will reduce potentially hazardous erosion. According to the […]

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Trash travels: unwanted visitors do damage to our oceans

This is the latest in a series of articles by the Bermuda Marine Debris Taskforce on the effects of pollution in the ocean. Here, Anne Hyde explains how ink cartridges from a shipping container that was lost at sea in 2014 are […]

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Plastic Plastic Everywhere: What are we to do?

Author:  byline to Jennifer Gray (major contributor to article Dr. Robbie Smith) This is the latest in a series to mark World Oceans Day which looks at how plastics and other pollutants are affecting the marine environment. Here, Bermuda Marine […]

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$450K For BIOS Fish Biodiversity Research

Marking World Environment Day, the U.K. Government has announced over £8 million for projects in Overseas Territories, including £316,829 [$449,249] for the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences to “assess the mobile fish biodiversity for Bermuda’s deep seas.” In an online post, Government […]

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Skimming the Surface with Marine Debris Technologies

Authors:  Hannah Horsfield & Julie Steele, Bermuda Underwater Exploration Institute In a continuing series on marine debris to mark World Oceans Day on Tuesday, Bermuda Marine Debris Taskforce members Hannah Horsfield and Julie Cross Steele look at methods of skimming […]

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Derelict Fishing Gear: Octopus Pot Traps

This is the latest in a series to mark World Oceans Day which looks at how plastics and other pollutants are affecting the marine environment. Here, Bermuda Marine Debris Taskforce member Jennifer Gray explains how plastic octopus traps threaten the […]

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