The Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce [BEST] announced that Justus Anderson has been awarded the first Stuart Hayward Internship opportunity.

A spokesperson said, “BEST is very pleased to announce that Mr. Justus Anderson has been awarded the first Stuart Hayward Internship opportunity. Justus earned a degree in Environmental Science from Dalhousie University and will be engaged, on a part-time basis, as a Junior Environmental Technician for the ‘Bermuda Water Management Innovation’ and ‘First Flush’ Projects coordinated by Koom Consulting in collaboration with BEST.

“The role will provide support with field data collection and analysis [for water quality, air quality and weather data], together with developing community awareness, capacity-building and stakeholder engagement.

“Stuart Jackson Hayward spent much of his life working as an advocate for sustainable management and development in Bermuda, in an effort to preserve and enhance the quality of life we have come to enjoy in our island home. Stuart went on, with others, to establish the Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce.

“Stuart passed away on June 28th, 2022 and funds were received to be earmarked for short-term, paid internships for candidates who have graduated from an environmental-type course of study. We hope that an engagement of this kind might provide an individual with opportunities to make further contacts in the local environmental space and to offer some experience that might benefit employment possibilities for them going forward.

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