Beyond Plastic Bermuda announced the launch of its programme for Bermuda businesses, ‘Beyond Plastic Champions’.

A spokesperson said, “The Beyond Plastic Champions programme is designed to recognise and encourage organisations in every industry on the island to take steps to reduce their single-use plastic usage.

“In support of The Bermuda Government’s impending single-use plastic legislation Beyond Plastic are encouraging businesses to take the first steps and pledge to remove single-use plastics from their operations.

“The Government’s intention is to ban twelve categories of items in the near future; whilst not an easy change, it is a vital one for the community. Bermuda has the opportunity to demonstrate how a community can live plastic free which will not only clean up the environment and improve our health but, also be attractive to travelers who seek out healthy and sustainable destinations”

Katie Berry, of Beyond Plastic added, “We are keen to assist businesses to try to move beyond plastic by saying no to single-use plastic. Our lives depend upon getting rid of single-use plastics. It’s bad for the environment, terrible for our health and a legacy we do not want to leave to our children, grandchildren and future generations to solve.

“Thus far the response by the business community to this campaign has been phenomenal. We are working with over 50 companies to achieve Champion status. We are thankful to these companies for leading the way and being Beyond Plastic Champions. Their participation helps build a wave of change that is needed to encourage people to give up the convenience of single-use plastics in favour of better choices for our environment, our health and our island.”

Beyond Plastic’s principal sponsor, Bacardi, was the first business to meet Champion status. “At Bacardi, we are committed to leading positive change, both within our business and within our communities,” said Douglas Mello, Managing Director of Bacardi’s Bermuda office.

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