Don’t miss BLUE, a powerful film about our oceans, showing on January 23, 2019, at BUEI. “It comes at a time when we are making critical decisions that will decide the legacy we leave for generations to come. We want BLUE to inspire lifelong guardians for the protection of all our oceans.

“BLUE is a cinematic song for our oceans; beautiful, intimate and grand. Fearlessly truth-telling, yet passionately hopeful. See this film and you will want to rise up with the waves.”— GREENPEACE AUSTRALIA

***** While on this very important topic of our oceans, please take a moment to give us your feedback on Bermuda’s marine environment: *****

Now that you’ve seen the film ‘BLUE’, do you feel committed to reducing your use of one-use plastic products?  Here are eleven things you can try. We would like to hear of as many other suggestions as you can come up with! Please e-mail us: [email protected]

1) Eliminate Plastic Wrap – Use Bees Wrap Cloth available at Miles

2) Never buy drinks in plastic bottles – (painless and it will improve your health too)

3) Carry a reusable water bottle.

4) Only buy bulk products in the veggie aisle

5) Carry reusable bags – avoid plastic bags

6) Use reusable containers to store food and better yet use large glass jars. You can even bring these containers – (they can be reusable ‘tupperware’) to the supermarket for meats and cheese.

7) Use tiffins ( to store food

8) Bring your lunch from home or bring a reusable container to your office to buy your carry-out lunch

8) If you use a ‘zip-lock’ bag – reuse it

9) Use vinegar as your home cleaning product – it comes in a glass jar.

10) Make your own products at home to avoid plastic packaging – eg yogurt is easy

11) Take your own cup for coffee or a thermos.