Projects » Current Projects
KBB Praises Govt’s Single-Use Plastic Plans
“This continued commitment by the Government to single-use legislation puts Bermuda at the forefront of the global fight against plastic pollution,” Keep Bermuda Beautiful said. This follows after Minister of Home Affairs Walter Roban announced that ”the Government has committed to eliminating single-use plastics by […]
Read moreRegulating Single-Use Plastics In Bermuda
The Government has released the “regulating single-use plastics in Bermuda” policy paper for consultation, with the 57-page document providing a broad overview of the proposal. Earlier this week, Minister of Home Affairs Walter Roban said that the “Government has committed to eliminating […]
Read moreBIOS warns climate change means increased hurricane risk and reef damage
The seas around Bermuda have already started to suffer from damage caused by climate change, an island researcher has warned. Nick Bates, a senior scientist and director of research at the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Science, said Bermuda’s waters had […]
Read moreReport outlines climate change risk to Bermuda and other overseas territories
Sea-level rise and more frequent and intense weather events pose the greatest climate change threat to Bermuda and the other British Overseas Territories, according to a new report. The UK Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership released the report on the […]
Read moreSeagrass beds have ‘completely collapsed’ in last four years
Many acres of seagrass beds crucial for the survival of sea turtles and other marine life have “completely collapsed” over the last four years, according to a leading environmental group. The Bermuda Turtle Project says “immediate changes” are needed to […]
Read moreClimate Change Effect On Overseas Territories
The Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership [MCCIP] released a ‘Report Card,’ which discusses the “key climate change effects on the coastal and marine environment around the Caribbean and Mid-Atlantic UK Overseas Territories.” The report on the Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership website said, […]
Read moreAppeal to end shark fishing
A call for vulnerable sharks to be spared from fishing came from an environmentalist after pictures circulated via social media showed two dead tiger sharks aboard an unidentified boat. Tiger sharks are not only under threat, but crucial to the […]
Read moreSDO changes given green light despite objections
Controversial changes to Special Development Orders were approved in the House of Assembly yesterday despite objections by the Opposition. Walter Roban, the home affairs minister, said SDOs would undergo “far more transparency, scrutiny and testing” under global best practice rules […]
Read moreSDO changes ‘prioritise short-term interests of private companies over environment’
The Bermuda National Trust has accused the Government of prioritising the short-term interests of private companies over the environment. Walter Roban, the Minister of Home Affairs, said recently that tabled amendments to the Development and Planning Act would streamline the process for […]
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