Projects » Climate Change

Best advice on climate change

In a recent update on the work done by the Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce, we expressed significant concern about the undeniable acceleration of the effects of climate change. It is encouraging to hear the Government’s insistence that there are a […]

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Environmental Sustainability Taskforce Update

Following a year of “introspection and strategic planning in 2020,” the Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce [BEST] said they have “emerged revitalised, refocussed and with a determined commitment to ‘greater collaboration for greater impact’. A spokesperson said, “In March 2021, BEST brought Bermuda’s […]

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Environment groups team up to tackle plastic waste

An environmental campaign group has backed Government’s drive to rid the island of single-use plastics – but has acknowledged that the initiative “may be challenging”. In a statement released today the Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce (BEST) said that it had teamed up […]

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BIOS warns climate change means increased hurricane risk and reef damage

The seas around Bermuda have already started to suffer from damage caused by climate change, an island researcher has warned. Nick Bates, a senior scientist and director of research at the Bermuda Institute of Ocean Science, said Bermuda’s waters had […]

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Report outlines climate change risk to Bermuda and other overseas territories

Sea-level rise and more frequent and intense weather events pose the greatest climate change threat to Bermuda and the other British Overseas Territories, according to a new report. The UK Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership released the report on the […]

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Climate Change Effect On Overseas Territories

The Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership [MCCIP] released a ‘Report Card,’ which discusses the “key climate change effects on the coastal and marine environment around the Caribbean and Mid-Atlantic UK Overseas Territories.” The report on the Marine Climate Change Impacts Partnership website said, […]

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