The Government has advertised again for proposals to restore and develop parts of Southlands national park through public-private partnerships.

A notice on the government procurement website said the Ministry of Public Works sought expressions of interest to renovate the main house and quarry cottage north of South Road at the site in Warwick.

The notice, published online and in The Royal Gazette on Friday, said ideas were also invited for the development and operation of a new café, storage and washrooms planned for the southern part of the park, “overlooking the ocean”.

It said proposed designs for the creation of the café and ancillary facilities were prepared and would be available to interested parties for consideration to help with submissions, which must be made by 3pm on October 7.

The Government sought proposals for the three projects, among several others, in September 2022.

In May, a spokesman for the public works ministry said: “After the submissions were reviewed, it was found that most could not be advanced.”

He said some were withdrawn while others “did not align with the vision for a national park and presented potential challenges”.

However, the spokesman noted then: “ … the ministry is pleased to share that several proposals are under further exploration that could enhance the park’s utility and enjoyment.

“These include the introduction of a zip-line experience, the utilisation of buildings by parks and other government departments, the provision of washrooms, the creation of a café and picnic area, and the development of woodland walking trails, among other initiatives.”

In Friday’s notice, the ministry said that “potential uses for the buildings must be in sync with the national park designation”.

It added: “In seeking the full potential of the park, it is envisaged that the initiative will result in outcomes of benefits being realised from the complemental uses to be introduced in collaboration with the various aspects of natural, historic, aesthetic, recreational and educational interests available in the park.”

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