We live in a world where at times convenience comes with a high cost.

Single-use plastics have emerged as a significant contributor to both environmental degradation and public-health crises.

A recent study revealed that plastics were responsible for producing 5.3 per cent of greenhouse gas emissions in 2019 and 12 per cent of the world’s oil demand.

With plastic production forecast to likely double — possibly triple — by 2050, plastic production is undermining the world’s efforts to control the climate crisis.

The One Bermuda Alliance understands the importance of reducing single-use plastics in Bermuda. In 2021, the OBA took the bipartisan step of presenting the existing government with legislation we prepared so that it could be considered as part of the Progressive Labour Party’s announced consultation on this important initiative.

Bermuda has yet to see any tangible results.

At the heart of the OBA Bill is a recognition that the reduction — and eventual elimination — of single-use plastics on our island would best succeed by adopting a gradual process. We also recognise that progress will not happen unless and until our island has the collective courage to take the very first step.

To us, a gradual process means a collaborative approach — seeking buy-in from as many as possible along the way.

We don’t want to negatively affect businesses that depend on some of these items to make an income. And we appreciate that in certain circumstances — for example, medicine and fishing — replacement of certain products would take some time.

Yet we also know the impacts single-use plastics are having on the community and the global environment.

What we believe is needed is a legislative road map, starting first with gradual and targeted reduction of certain non-essential, single-use plastic items. And then eventually arriving at elimination of identified items — not by heavy-handed mandate, but by consensus and collaboration.

Read more here: https://www.royalgazette.com/opinion-writer/opinion/article/20240822/tackling-the-menace-of-single-use-plastics/