A Bermudian-based environmental charity has joined Greenpeace in calling for protections for the high seas to be enshrined into law.

Kim Smith, the executive director for the Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce, called on the public to sign an open letter urging the British Government to ratify the UN High Seas Treaty, which would protect the Sargasso Sea.

She said: “If the Sargasso Sea were properly protected under the Global Ocean Treaty, it would better safeguard the area against overfishing, pollution and shipping traffic, enabling species found there to thrive.

“What’s more, protecting the Sargasso could be the key to unlocking greater ocean protections all around the world.

“Greenpeace said that the discussions and insights shared with them while they were in Bermuda have made it clear that, together, we can make significant strides towards safeguarding our island’s precious marine environment, but further action is needed, and we hope you will join us in being a part of that action.”

Greenpeace representatives visited the island last month on board the Arctic Sunriseas part of the Oceans are Life campaign to urge governments to ratify the Global Ocean Treaty.

The treaty would help to ensure that 30 per cent of the world’s oceans are protected through a network of sanctuaries.

Greenpeace International prepared an open letter to the UK Foreign Secretary, urging that the protection of high seas be prioritised, specifically the Sargasso Sea surrounding Bermuda.

Ms Smith invited the public to review the letter online, and if they wish, to sign it.

“Every voice counts and, together, we can advocate for meaningful change,” she said.

“Please help amplify the message by sharing this letter with others in your personal network, to broaden our collective impact in advocating for the protection of the Sargasso Sea.”
