Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce [BEST] and Bermuda College announced that their May Eco Lunch & Learn presentation will be on Thursday [May 5] from 1.00pm to 2.00pm.

A spokesperson said, “Bermuda Environmental Sustainability Taskforce [BEST] and Bermuda College are very pleased to announce their May feature presented by Dr. Mark Guishard, the Director of the Bermuda Weather Service, a section of the Bermuda Airport Authority.

“He is a Chartered Meteorologist, with over 20 years of experience in weather forecasting, disaster management, research meteorology and catastrophe risk science.

“Dr. Guishard will introduce the Bermuda Weather Service, basics about hurricanes & examine how storm activity has evolved in a changing climate. Dr. Guishard holds a PhD in Meteorology from Penn State University, a Masters in Atmospheric Sciences from the University of East Anglia, and has trained at the UK Met Office and the US National Hurricane Center. He is a Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society.

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