On Saturday, March 25th the entire world will recognize Earth Hour and at 8:30 pm that night we encourage everyone to turn off all unnecessary lights in support of our local campaign. Earth Hour reminds us that we need to change our habits of consumption, and produce what we need with technologies that pollute less and are more sparing of water and energy to preserve the world’s natural resources for coming generations. We must all act together to make a difference, so turn off your lights and join us at City Hall for the 5K Glow Fun Walk and Run; regardless of your age or athletic ability. Register with your friends at earthhour.bm and encourage your company or school to enter a glow fun team. Earth Hour is our opportunity to inspire everyone to create a sustainable future for Bermuda. Let’s join together on March 25th to make a statement and use our power for positive change. To register go to: www.racedayworld.com
Click here and listen to the Earth Hour Commercial