You are encouraged to make your concerns known by writing to your MP. and/or the Minister with a copy to the Editor of the Newspaper. A sample letter is shown below, but it will be more effective if you personalize it. Look for your MP’s Addresses and the editor’s address is [email protected] or [email protected]

Dear …

I am writing to you to express my concern in the manner if which the Southlands Ltd application to build a 10 storey housing block for hotel staff in Hunt’s Quarry, Warwick has been approved by the Minister.

The Development Applications Board (DAB) turned down the application for a number of reasons. The plans do not contain sufficient information; the density of staff housing was excessive,

the 10 storeys far exceed the Residential Zone 1, 5-storey allowance. To add up to 375 people into this already densely populated area is hardly sustainable. An independent Inspector recommended that the Minister reject the appeal because of the unprecedented height of the building and the density of people that it would bring to the area.

The Minister has ridden roughshod over the recommendations of the Planning Department, the advice of his inspector, the decision of the DAB and the work of the Government Development and Panning Tribunal Procedure, which is in the process of reviewing requests by Mr Hunt for rezoning of the area.

The Minister mentions “special circumstances” but fails to elaborate on this vague, catch all phrase. What exactly are these special circumstances that fly counter to all recommendations of those employed – and qualified – to make rational decisions following Government established procedures.

In 2006, the Government issued document “Charting our Course: Sustaining Bermuda”

declared “Throughout the Bermudian community there seems to be little respect for environmental legislation. Crimes against the environment are generally not taken seriously.”

Why ever should they when the Minister himself, tasked with enforcing the laws and procedures designed to protect this unique island environment, so casually flouts them with the nebulous phrase “special circumstances.”
